Monday, December 26, 2011

Mirror, Mirror

Show of hands, how many of you have ever stood in front of a mirror and given yourself a little pep talk? Maybe it went a little something like this:

Do they work for you guys? Maybe mine do a little. Mostly, I just look at my reflection, get geared up, and laugh at myself. That makes me feel loads better. As much as I could stand there and say, "Yeah man, you got this," or "You DA MAN brah. You. DA. MAN." Praise is always more effective when it comes from someone else. A friend of mine will soon move across the country, this prompted me to make a parting gift that would serve as a constant reminder of what I thought of said friend.

I call it, "Mirror, Mirror."

Behold the making thereof:

First, you take a mirror:

The you cut a stencil out of vinyl to stick to the mirror, I practiced on paper first to get it right:

Next, apply the vinyl stencils to the mirror, then cover the stencil area generously with glass etching cream. Do not get it anywhere else, or it will etch any glass it touches:

Wait about 5 minutes, then wash the cream off quickly with flowing water, peal off the stencils, and voila:

Here's an action shot, enjoy:

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