Sunday, April 3, 2011

I Sense a Disturbance in the Force...

Last weekend, I took the wife shopping to some of her favorite out-of-town stores. We spent 2 days perusing the shops, which meant that I spent 2 days surfing the net on my iPhone. As I surfed, I came across numerous do it yourself projects that I thought I might like to try. One of those was sewing together little felt creatures. It looked easy enough, so I figured that I would try it, and make 3 little monsters, each modeled after one of my 3 kids. Today the wife taught me to use her sewing machine, and I made the creatures. Here they are:

First for my oldest son:

To fit his morbid sense of humor, and love of scaring people, I made him The Black Phantom, a specter from another dimension that scares people when they least expect it.

Then for my middle boy:

He is my sensitive one. He loves everyone and has those half moon shaped eyes when he smiles. He is also the most insane of my 3 kids, so I made him Huggy-Boom. A monster from the other dimension who uses his 4 arms to hug as many people as he can, before he explodes.

Finally, for my little Monkey:

I made a little monkey! This monkey shares my son's underbite, and love of climbing, bananas, and stomping around seeking entertainment. His name is Moonkey. He came to our dimension seeking some hydrocortisone for his exceedingly itchy bum:

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