Wednesday, January 11, 2012

You Have Chosen... Wisely.

The votes are in, and you have chosen what I will look like for the next 24 hours. That's Right, I'm gonna go shave right now. So let's run through the choices. I'm going to leave out any choice that didn't get any votes, and just show the ones that got 1 or more votes. Here are the choices:

And Here are the results:
The winner is "Friendly Mutton Chops." Thank you voters, I am so glad that "Rap Industry Standard didn't win.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Vote On My Face!!!

Let me present you with exhibit A:

I call him: Josh With a Beard.

Well, Josh With a Beard must leave us now. He and his Beard have had some great times this winter (a future blog post will discuss that), but circumstances have come along that require the removal of the Beard. I'm totally cool with that, a Beard should be enjoyed sporadically. How can you know the joy of having a beard, if you are never asked to not have one? You can't. Thankfully the beard trimmer that my wife bought me for Christmas converts to a nose hair trimmer, so I will still get PLENTY of use from it.

Now on to the point of this post. My Beard is leaving, and half the fun of growing a beard is doing something fun with it as you shave it off. So I offer you the opportunity to decide what I'm going to do to my face. I will be shaving my beard off on Thursday night, which is also the night I will be going out to eat with my family for my birthday. Below there is a link to a vote on my face. Whichever beard style gets the most votes will determine what I look like when I go out to eat with my family, and will become my profile pic on facebook. So click THIS LINK, vote, determine my fate! Oh, and please keep it honest, don't go vote more than once, both my Beard and I would be extremely disappointed in you for that.